A banda e backing-vocals comecaram antes mesmo do Kevin Doyle entrar em cena. Aos poucos, a coisa tomou ritmo, o publico comecou a participar e cantar junto e toda a atmosfera ajudou na surpresa. O cover de Elvis Presley cantou as musicas em ordem cronologica e, vez ou outra, uma narracao nos ajudava a relembrar os acontecimentos da vida do idolo.
O publico, composto por pessoas de todas as idades e estilos, manteve-se entretido com as brincadeiras, lembrancas e diversas trocas de figurino.
Surpreendeu, sim. Agora todos pedimos mais :)
"Starring Ireland’s foremost Elvis performer Kevin Doyle and his regular backing group the Way It Was orchestra, this is an updated version of the sell-out theatre show that always leaves the audience on their feet wanting more. Kevin and the Way It Was Orchestra are Ireland’s leading Elvis act."
"Stand-out numbers include That’s All Right, Heartbreak Hotel, Love Me Tender, It’s Now Or Never, An American Trilogy and of course, Suspicious Minds. The show also features film footage, special guest voiceovers to give audiences a rare look into Elvis’ life through sound, image and live performances."
[Source: In Dublin]
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